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Observing a tradition that dates back more than thirty years the Air Cadets and staff of 2160 (Sleaford) Squadron last night began celebrating the Christmas season in style.

Over seventy cadets and staff enjoyed a traditional Christmas dinner at the junior ranks Mess, RAF Cranwell. Service was provided by the friendly and ever willing staff of the mess and members of the Squadron’s Civilian Committee.

Proving as popular as ever, nearly seventy percent of the cadets from Sleaford attended this festive occasion. With party hats and Christmas crackers in abundance everyone joined in the party spirit.

The squadron were joined on the night by their former Officer Commanding, Squadron Leader Mel Walker who attended as an honoured guest. Squadron Leader Walker, who is now a Staff Officer with Trent Wing, well remembers the hard work that goes into this event having presided over six such occasions herself.

PMC for the event, Flying Officer Dave Peacock thanked both the staff of the Mess and the Civilian Committee for making the event such a memorable occasion.

Following the end of the formal dinner the cadets changed into more casual attire to take part in the other tradition of the evening, the bowling match and disco!