1461 Tour De Air Cadets 2016

1461 Bike IMG-20151118-WA0011 (1)

Over the course of 2016, 1461 (Wigston) Squadron will be embarking on a huge fundraising challenge that will see them statically cycle to each and every Squadron within the Air Training Corps.
The aim; to raise £7500 to coincide with the 75th Anniversary of the Corps, which will be evenly distributed between 4 charities- 1461 (Wigston) Squadron, The Royal Air Forces Association, Derbyshire, Leicestershire & Rutland Air Ambulance and The Ralph-Reid Buckle Gliding Bursary.
The total mileage to cover is 11,833.6. This works out that on average, the staff and cadets will need to be cycling 123 miles per parade night!!!!
1461 will still be partaking in the Corps Celebrations of the 75th Anniversary whilst also putting their own spin on the event.
Flt Lt Tim Hargraves, OC 1461, came up with the idea 2 months ago.
“It was almost like a light-bulb moment really. I’m not entirely sure where it came from but once it was in my head, it stuck and here we are today, getting ready to embark as a team on this remarkable challenge. The cadets are all very excited to get started and I have every faith that we will achieve our target of £7500.”
You can follow Wigston’s progress on their Facebook and Twitter pages (see below links)
A fundraising page is currently in the process of being set up but please keep your eyes peeled and donate generously for this wonderful event.