Recently, Cadet Flight Sergeant (FS) Saffron Green, turned 18 years old, and after a board interview with the Wing Commander Nigel Dickinson, Officer Commanding South & East Midlands Wing, the following month, she was presented with her Cadet Warrant Officer (CWO).
It was a proud moment for CWO Green as she has worked long and hard to earn her promotion. During this time she has completed courses such as her Initial and Senior Non Commissioned Officer (NCO) Courses, her Air Cadet Leadership Course, her NCO Leadership Course and all three Duke of Edinburgh Awards (Bronze, Silver and Gold), having recently competed her Gold Award Expedition in Wales.
Saffron has been a member at the squadron for over five years now and has loved every minute of it, she added; “It’s a great honour to be given this promotion and I am truly proud to have been given the opportunity to represent the Air Cadet Organisation at such a high level. I can’t wait to broaden my knowledge further and to also pass down my knowledge that I have gained over the years to my fellow NCO’s and Cadets”.
Everyone at 2418 is very proud of CWO Green, a well-deserved promotion, and birthday present!
CWO Jake Foster
2418 Media Team