Air Cadets Bring In The Crowds For Civic Fireworks Spectacular


Royal Air Force Air Cadets, Staff and Civilian Committee members from 121 (Nuneaton) Squadron were out in force on Saturday evening 7th November, at Nuneaton’s annual civic bonfire.121_IMG_0264

The Nuneaton Lions Club and Nuneaton Round Table had teamed up with the Borough Council to organise the event and the Air Cadets were invited to assist by directing members of the public into the display area.

The cadets donned their New Royal Air Force Air Cadet high visibility jackets and got stuck into the job of directing people to the entrances.

But the evening wasn’t all work and no play; as soon as the fire was lit the cadets got to join the crowd to enjoy the spectacle of the choreographed firework display.

Flt Lt Paul Hincks of 121 (Nuneaton) Squadron said, “The Cadets, Staff and Civilian Committee members did an excellent job and I would like to thank them all for turning out. Thankfully the weather conditions were perfect and this seemed to bring lots more people out to enjoy the firework display and bonfire. Hopefully this will be reflected in the amount collected in aid of local groups and charities that will benefit from the money we’ve helped to raise.”