Corby Air Cadets Swap Blue for Green

Corby Air Cadets Swap Blue for Green

On 16th-18th October 2015, 422 (Corby) Squadron Royal Air Force Air Cadets embarked on a two night “greens camp” at Spanhoe Airfield to learn and put into practice all their fieldcraft skills.Fieldcraft 2015 2 (1)

On the morning of the 17th, the cadets learnt all about first aid in the field, how to make use of the environment and navigation skills, which would prepare them for the weekend and any future adventure training they might do. In the afternoon, they were taught movement in the field followed by camouflage and concealment, encompassing everything needed for the night exercise.

The night exercise especially challenged the cadets who wanted to follow in the Non Commissioned Officer’s(NCO’s) footsteps, as the 20 cadets were split up into 2 flights for the duration of the camp, with a chosen cadet as being In Command (IC) and Second In Command (2IC) for each. There were objectives to complete that encouraged team building, communication and leadership skills, with the ICs being encouraged by the current NCOs.

The evenings exercises were each followed by constructive feedback in which time the opposite teams both had time to help the other improve and cadets maintained their professionalism at all times.

On Sunday, cadets were given leadership activities to complete after their extremely successful night exercise the night before, completing tasks both as smaller flights and as full flights. Ultimately the time came to pack up and have a debrief, where Exercise Conducting Officer, Flight Sergeant (ATC) Bayliss, expressed his delight at how well the camp went and how great the cadets were. FS (ATC) Stuart Bayliss said, “An outstanding weekend with an outstanding group of young individuals.”

They were happy to hear that due to the success of the camp, planning was well under way for the next one!

Thank you to all the staff at Corby Squadron for making it happen, also Civilian Instructor Wade for providing us all with food and drink throughout.

Cadet Sergeant Beadsworth
NCO IC Media & Communications