Sunday 18th October saw cadets and staff from 165 Squadron join Air Cadets and staff from 1459, 491 and 487 Squadron’s as they helped out at the Birmingham Half-Marathon.
It was an early start for all as they had to be in Birmingham for 07:30. Following an initial brief at the Copthorne Hotel, the cadets were soon walking up Broad Street to their allocated stations. All the cadets had been asked to hand out either extra large, large, medium or small finishing packs.
The race itself got under way at 10:10 with the elite runners setting out on the 13.1 mile course. It was approximately 80 minutes later that the cadets had their first customers. It started off very slowly, but the staff and cadets were soon extremely busy as the finishers poured across the finish line.
Flight Lieutenant Simon Jennings, Officer Commanding 165 Squadron, commented; “We took seven cadets today from the Squadron and they have all worked extremely hard. They are an absolute credit to themselves and the Squadron. Even though we were working hard all day, I didn’t hear one moan from anybody. The dancing from all the cadet’s was brilliant particularly Cadet’s Bradshaw and Van Dike, as was the “dad” dancing from Sergeant Williams and Flight Sergeant Watt! I think I will go to sleep tonight dreaming of Cadet Van Dike shouting “large t-shirts here”!!