This weekend, cadets and staff members from 422 (Corby) Squadron, Royal Air Force Air Cadets, joined the Corby branch of the Royal Air Forces Association (RAFA) to raise funds for the Wings Appeal and take part in a parade and church service to mark the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain.
On Saturday 19th September, a team of cadets and the Corby RAFA branch worked together to raise funds for the Wings Appeal in their local town centre. Throughout the day members of the public gave generously to this worthwhile cause raising over £900.
On Sunday 20th, the Squadron and the RAFA branch marched through Corby Old Village parading their banners to St. John the Baptist church where a special service was held by the Squadron’s Padre, The Reverend Paul Frost, and his new Curate.
The service brought to light the struggles faced by the brave service personnel 75 years ago, as Hitler pushed Britain’s allies to breaking point. The last line of defence from Germany’s troops were the RAF pilots that were outnumbered four to one in the air.
Hitler sent his bombers out to lure the last pilots out in the air to defeat them, however the RAF had other plans. The pilots went into the sky to fight around 4 to 5 times a day until Hitler lost enthusiasm and cancelled the plan.
After the church service, the cadets listened attentively to the stories people had to tell and learnt that some of the bombs even fell in their home town!
Staff members and cadets remembered the harsh reality of the day, a time for reflection and remembering the people that gave their today for our tomorrow.
There was a great turnout with over 30 cadets parading in commemoration of ‘The Few’.
‘Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few’ – Winston Churchill