On Monday 7th September, 1461 (Wigston) Squadron opened its doors for its second intake of the year.
Led by Cadet Flight Sergeant (CFS) Lauren Ashby, the potential new recruits and their parents were given the opportunity to see what we get up to as a Squadron and an organisation.
This was the first intake presentation that CFS Ashby had given, having only taken over the role a few weeks prior to the event but she must have succeeded because the following evening, all ten of the attendees returned for their first evening of being an Air Cadet.
Over the next few months, the new cadets will be undergoing training that will set them up for their future cadet career, completing activities such as Heartstart, Swimming Proficiency and a Weapons Handling Test along with the mandatory subjects, Drill, ATC and RAF History and Basic Navigation.
Once these subjects, and a few others have been completed, the new cadets will ‘Pass Out’ as First Class cadets, opening up other opportunities for them.
CFS Ashby said “I am looking forward to leading these young people over the next few months, aiding them in learning the basics of what it means to be an Air Cadet at 1461 Squadron. I am lucky to have a very skilled team around me that will also pass on their knowledge and skills to these people that will ensure they have fun whilst working together to accomplish more.”