Orton cadets support the Race for Life

race for lifeMore than twenty Air Cadets from 51 (Orton) Squadron attended Ferry Meadows in Peterborough last night to support the many women and children raising money in the fight against cancer in the form of the Race of Life event.

This has become an annual event for the cadets of 51, and each year the older cadets pass down to the newer cadets their expert knowledge on how to encourage the runners and walkers to not only to complete the course but how to praise them on the finish line. All of the cadets assisted not just vocally, which they do very well, but also in a more practical sense from giving out the medals and refreshments to cleaning up at the end from dismantling to site to clearing up the rubbish.Race for Life1

The support did not just stop with these cadets however, as three of the cadets enlisted to run the race in uniform. Cadet Katie Heywood, Cadet Ellen Russell and Cadet Jessica Reed turned up in military dress to raise money for this worthy charity and raise money they did.

Cadet Heywood said “It was great fun, and the atmosphere was fantastic. Such events like this just make you realise how many people’s lives have been affected by this disease”.

Flt Lt Andy Mason commented, “Once again our cadets did us proud. Each year I am amazed at how many of our cadets attend to help the charity and how much fun they have doing it. Roll on next year.”