Uniform to Work Day

Reserve Forces Day 2015 was celebrated on Wednesday 24th June when volunteers of the Reserve and Cadet Forces could, with their employers permission, change from their normal work wear to wearing their Military uniform in their day jobs.

Utting 1Squadron Leader Adrian Utting RAFVR(T), a Clinical Practice Tutor & Paramedic with the East Midlands Ambulance Service, NHS Trust, and a Wing Staff Officer with South & East Midlands Wing, Air Training Corps, was given permission to change from Ambulance Service uniform to his RAF uniforms.Utting 2

Squadron Leader Utting started the day with clinical training with new Ambulance clinicians and later was responding to Ambulance Service 999 calls

Reserve Forces Day is part of the lead up to Armed Forces Day that highlights the role of the military reserves and how being part of the reserves does enhance skills in a civilian career. It also gives work colleagues a glimpse of a different part of your life

Squadron Leader Utting said; “Thank you to East Midlands Ambulance Service for supporting your staff members in the reserves and for allowing them to wear there uniform to work”