Awards in Gibraltar

During his recent visit to No2 (Overseas) Gibraltar Squadron, Officer Commanding Norfolk & Suffolk Wing, Wing Commander David Miller, took the opportunity to present their Commanding Officer, Flight Lieutenant Ivan Caward, with his 1st clasp to his Cadet Forces Medal to mark 18 years of service with the Air Cadet Organisation.

Flight Lieutenant Caward has been in command of the Squadron for 6 years, juggling the squadron business with working as a prison officer in Gibraltar. He was surprised to be presented with the award on the squadron’s Final Parade, with Squadron Leader Green reading out the citation which detailed his career with the air cadets.

The squadron’s latest uniformed recruit, Warrant Officer Paul Llanelo was also unexpectedly presented with his certificate of appointment as an ATC Warrant Officer by the Wing Commander Miller.

Paul had joined the squadron as a Service Instructor whilst serving with the Royal Gibraltar Regiment and on retiring took the opportunity to change uniforms and start a career with the air cadets.

He has already been to RAF Cranwell for his initial training course and is currently training the cadets to become qualified on the L98A2 Rifle. This includes using possibly the worlds prettiest shooting range at Buffadero training area which overlooks the Strait of Gibraltar !