858 Keep on Walking

858 (Rushden) Squadron took part in the international RAF WARMA March where they had to march 50 miles over 2 days in and around RAF Cosford.858 RAF WARMA Team 2015

The team were lead by Flight Sergeant (ATC) Cooke, who is a veteran when it comes to road marching as he was part of the South and East Midlands Wing team for the Nijmegen march which covers 100 miles in 4 days.

858’s team start training for this in January starting off with short distances and then building all the way up to the full marching distance of WARMA. The team had covered 160 miles in training ready for the march.

Cadet Jamie Richardson (14) who has never done anything like this before said: “I really enjoyed the experience and it will be something I will always remember, mainly the pain. It was fantastic to meet a lot of other cadets and staff from around the Corps. I will definitely want to complete the RAF WARMA March again but I’m not so sure my feet could take on Nijmegen just yet”

Flight Lieutenant Colin Harmer, Officer Commanding 858, also added, “The team spirit and ethos throughout this whole process has been excellent. They have all made a great effort and achieved their goal this weekend and I am proud to be their Commanding Officer. A special thanks goes to Flight Sergeant (ATC) Richard Cooke for being the team leader and making this happen for the cadets. ”