On Monday 22nd February, 1360 Squadron was visited by Officer Commanding South & East Midlands Wing, Wing Commander Nigel Dickinson and Cadet Flight Sergeant Jade Cox had her Cadet Warrant Officer (CWO) interview.
The rank of CWO is the highest rank a cadet can achieve and they can only be promoted to that rank at the age of 18. The promotion is a Wing appointment and OC Wing was hoping to add one more CWO to his number.
To reach this rank Jade has participated in a range of cadet activities, progressing through the ranks as a cadet and showing that she has the commitment and experience to be a CWO.
After what must have seemed a long interview (over an hour!) Jade came back into the staff office with a beaming smile! She had been successful!
On final parade OC Wing spoke to the cadets on parade and emphasised the achievement it takes to be promoted to CWO before presenting Jade with her tapes.
CWO Cox said after ‘I am very proud to have earned this rank, as it is something I have aspired to achieve since I joined, I look forward to seeing what impact I can make on the development of the squadron from here!’
Officer in Charge 1360 Pilot Officer Macpherson said ‘Jade is an exceptional cadet who continually pushes herself and has done well in a variety of areas as a cadet. At Swynnerton last year she was the flight commander of the winning flight, she is currently completing her Junior Leader’s Course and is doing Nijmegen and her Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s award this year. She was also recently chosen as South and East Midlands Wings female Dacre nomination. With her appointment to CWO, Jade is now supporting the Wing Cadet Development Team to become directing staff and use her experience to guide younger cadets. She is a real asset on the squadron and to the Wing and should be very proud of herself.’