Two New CWO’s for Wigston Squadron!

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Wigston Air Cadets welcomed Wing Commander Dickinson, Officer Commanding South and East Midlands Wing, to their Squadron for two very important interviews that culminated in the award of two Cadet Warrant Officer promotions.
Cadet Flight Sergeants Jinni Sur and Lauren Ashby have both been in the Air Training Corps for five years and have progressed through the ranks together. Lauren is currently In Charge of the squadron’s Training Flight whilst Jinni is heading up the Cadet Non Commissioned Officer (NCO) team. Both are incredibly respected on the Squadron and are well known for their motivational, enthusiastic approach to cadets.
The squadron are delighted to announce that they both passed their interviews and are now fully fledged Cadet Warrant Officers at 1461 (Wigston) Squadron. They join Cadet Warrant Officer Molly Henson in making a fully female led NCO team!!
Officer Commanding the Squadron, Flight Lieutenant Tim Hargraves, commented “I cannot think of a more deserving pair of cadets to reach the top rank. These two are a class act and I cannot wait to see what the future brings with them both apart of my staff team. Well done both, I’m very proud.”