Air Cadets lead the way in Nuneaton’s Centenary Remembrance Day Parade


Cadets from all three services played a leading role in Nuneaton’s Remembrance Day Parade and Service at the towns War Memorial in Riversley Park.

Cadets from all three services salute the fallen servicemen and women who made the ultimate sacrifice.

Cadets from all three services salute the fallen servicemen and women who made the ultimate sacrifice.

The town’s Sea, Army and Air Cadets had a central part to play in a moving Remembrance Service and parade as the people of their home town turned out in record numbers to pay their respects to servicemen and women past and present who have fought and died for their country.

Hundreds of people lined the streets of Nuneaton as the Air Cadet Band of 121 (Nuneaton) Squadron led the parade of colourful standards, ex-servicemen in their blazers and berets and serving members of the armed forces as they marched proudly from the Town Hall to the Riversley Park War Memorial for the civic service of Remembrance.

Royal Air Force Air Cadets, Holly Odam and Paige Eaves together with Sea Cadets from TS Vanquisher prepare to lay the books of Remembrance on Nuneaton’s War Memorial at the start of the towns Remembrance Day Service.

Royal Air Force Air Cadets, Holly Odam and Paige Eaves together with Sea Cadets from TS Vanquisher prepare to lay the books of Remembrance on Nuneaton’s War Memorial at the start of the towns Remembrance Day Service.

Royal Air Force Air Cadets, Holly Odam and Paige Eaves, placed a special Book of Remembrance at the foot the War Memorial. The Book of Remembrance contained the Roll of Honour, naming those from Nuneaton who lost their lives in the Great War by.

A second Book of Remembrance containing the names of all of Nuneaton’s residents killed in action since the end of the First World War, was also placed on the War Memorial by two Sea Cadets from TS Vanquisher.

Poppy-wearing youngsters stood alongside war veterans with their medals as they gathered around the Riversley Park War Memorial for the civic service. An honour guard formed by Sea, Army, Royal Air Force and Police cadets, stood in silent vigil at the War memorial during the wreath laying ceremony.

The 121 ( Nuneaton ) Squadron wreath was laid by Cadet Flight Sergeant Matthew Carrington.

Following the service the Air Cadet Band of 121 Squadron formed up for the march past. The parade was a stirring sight, with the cadet band leading and a forest of Royal British Legion, ex-service Association and Cadet Standards fluttering in the autumn wind as they marched in procession along Coton Road and past the saluting base at the Council House.

Flight Lieutenant Paul Hincks, Officer Commanding 121 (Nuneaton) Squadron said, “I think it all went off very well. The weather could hardly have been better and there was, as usual, a very large public turnout”.

“Once again the cadets of all three services have taken a leading role in the towns Remembrance Day Parade and I would like to thank every one of them for helping to make the parade such a success. I would also like to say how much of an honour it was for Air Cadets, Holly Odam and Paige Eaves to be chosen to carry the Roll of Honour which was commissioned last year to mark the Centenary of the outbreak of the First Word War”.

“It’s so important that we don’t forget the ultimate sacrifice made by so many fallen servicemen and women and the younger generation especially those of the Cadet Forces are key to ensuring that future generations continue to Remember.”