WWII Veteran visits the Air cadets at Nottingham Armed Forces Day

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Nottingham Air Cadets manning their display at the Nottingham Armed Forces Weekend played host to 93 year old World War Two Veteran, Alf Cross.

Alf spent time with the cadets being shown around the extensive display by Cadet Warrant Officer Joe Mitchell of 1359 (Beeston) Squadron. As well as photographs of cadet activities the display featured a real glider and a glider cockpit to give Alf and the hundreds of members of the public that visited the stand an idea of what the Air Cadets had to offer.IMG_8647 (2)

“I am amazed with what the cadets can do and achieve. The Cadet Warrant Officer who showed me around had immense knowledge of the cadets and was courteous and a great credit to the organisation” said Alf Cross after a sit down and cup of tea, courtesy of the staff team.

Alf was one of the one of the first airmen in the RAF to become a member of the RAF Regiment when it was formed. Alf fought in North Africa, Sicily and in the harrowing Italian Campaign. Coming home unscathed, Alf finished his service at the end of the war in 1945.

Arranged by Flight Lieutenant Jodi Hudson and ably supported by Flight Lieutenant Phil Banister of 1359 Squadron, the display was one of the largest on the Wollaton Park site and attracted a good share of the the thousands that attended the two day event.

The display was manned by cadets from Nottinghamshire Squadrons who enthusiastically spoke of their experiences as cadets and impressed their audience.IMG_8641 (2)

On the Sunday morning the Staff and Cadets played a significant part in the Drum Head Service that was attended by regulars and reserves from the three services as well as the various Military Associations and Charities, and of course, the Royal British Legion.

Flying Officer Steve Dodds kindly loaned his personal Glider for display over the weekend.