Air Cadets Support the North Lincolnshire Armed Forces Day

On a warm and sunny Armed Forces Day the people of Scunthorpe came out in force to support and pay tribute to the sailors, soldiers and airmen of the Armed Forces.
Flying the flags for their parent services were the Sea Cadet Corps, the Army Cadet Force and, of course, the Royal Air Force Air Cadets(RAFAC) all providing quality entertainment for the large crowds.
The day began with a parade of veterans and the three cadet forces marching to tunes played by the Band comprising cadets from local RAFAC Squadrons. Looking smart and well turned out the cadets marched into the area where they were inspected by a Deputy Lieutenant of Lincolnshire, Sir Reginald Tyrwitt, and the Mayor of North Lincolnshire Council, Councillor John Briggs.
Accompanied by The Mayor’s Cadet, Cadet Sergeant Jess Hunt of 119 (Scunthorpe) Squadron, the Mayor toured the displays paying particular interest in the RAFAC stands.
In the arena several competitions and displays were put on by the three cadet forces with the Air Cadets from 300 (Isle of Axholme) Squadron, South & West Yorkshire Wing, displaying their excellent Banner Drill skills and the drummers of Brigg Squadron showing off their mastery of difficult drum pieces. The Sector 5 Band of the Air Cadets also put on a masterful display of music and marching.
Cadet Sergeant Jack McGory said; “there was a good atmosphere at the Armed Forces Day and although its been really busy for us, we all felt there was considerable support from the local community” Jack has been a cadet with !!( Squadron for five years.
Air Cadets from Scunthorpe, Brigg and 866 (immingham) Squadron all played their part in ensuring the success of the day and upholding the reputation of the RAFAC.
The end of this excellent day was marked by a Sunset Ceremony.