Tree-mendous Moment for Corby Air Cadets

One of the cornerstone events within the Air Cadet 75th Anniversary celebrations, in association with the Woodland trust, is the planting of trees.IMG_0662 (2)

422 (Corby) Squadron embraced this initiative and with the full support of Corby Borough Council submitted an application to the Woodland Trust for 422 saplings that would be planted in the grand setting of the Borough’s East Carlton Country Park.

Peter Floody of the Borough Council having responsibility for the Country Park provided the expert advice for the application which proved successful and enabled the squadron to plan for this unique and worthwhile event.

It was a chilly and damp March Saturday when the Squadron’s cadets and staff gathered at the park to receive their training on tree planting. They were joined by the Officer Commanding South and East Midlands Wing, Wing Commander Nigel Dickinson OBE RAFVR(T), Central and East Region Assistant Regional Commandant, Squadron Leader Nathan Wilks RAFVR(T) and Central and East Region’s new Training Safety Adviser, Warrant Officer Mark Giddings.

The “VIPs” were first to plant their special trees along with Flight Lieutenant Kev Ritchie RAFVR(T), the Officer Commanding the Corby Squadron. After all due ceremony had been observed, the cadets got down to the hard work of planting the remainder of the 422 saplings within the designated area.
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Showing teamwork, determination and great camaraderie the cadets put in an outstanding effort planting the trees in under two hours.

Flight Lieutenant Kev Ritchie said, “What the cadets have done here today is truly amazing and what a fitting way to mark the 75th Anniversary of the Air Training Corps. They should be extremely proud with what they have achieved today. Planting 422 trees is no easy task”.

The Squadron would like to thank the Region and Wing for supporting them in this project. They would also like to thank the Civilian Committee and parents that joined them on the day and also those that provided the refreshments – the chocolate brownies certainly went down a treat.

But huge thanks must go to Peter Floody and Corby Borough Council for providing the expertise, tools and beautiful setting of East Carlton Country Park to make this 75th anniversary project truly special and something that will be remembered for decades to come.