Air cadets flying high after Christmas Cracker Success

Cadets from the local Air Cadet unit, 195 (Grimsby) Squadron, had extra cause to celebrate over the festive period, after the success of their ‘Christmas Cracker’ show.
The show, organised by cadets and held at St James School, played to a sell-out crowd of over 120 people, raising a whopping £300 for the squadron.
Featuring cadets and staff members showing off their individual talents, the show was laden with unique displays, including a violin and singing duet, a balloon shaping show and a pianist.
Cadet Apoorya Bhattacharya, who initially came up with the idea, said: “I was really happy with the response from cadets and staff – the idea was quickly supported and has become a huge success.”
Flight Lieutenant Terance Shird, Officer Commanding 195 Squadron, said: “I’m overjoyed at the response to this, and can’t thank the cadets and staff involved enough.
“The show has raised a huge amount for the Squadron, and that money will go towards organising some exciting activities for the cadets in the coming year.
“I would also like to thank the staff at St James School for hosting the show. This has proven to be a massive success, and we are already looking at plans for potentially doing another one next year.”
Two cadets, Natalie and Annabel Parry, who were involved in the show, said they had ‘thoroughly enjoyed playing to such a large crowd’ and couldn’t wait to do it again in the near future.