Tommy Lawrence of 1109 (Thetford) Squadron received his Cadet Warrant Officer (CWO) promotion on Tuesday 27th October.
Since joining the squadron in 2010 he has certainly lived up to the Corps’ motto of ‘Venture Adventure’ by representing his squadron and wing at a variety of sports, drill competitions, Wing Field competitions, attending numerous camps, completing all the academic classifications, achieving his Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award and passing his flying scholarship at the age of 17, to name just a few.
As well as this Tommy has been a driving force in developing younger cadets on the squadron and recently helped lead the training of 12 cadets on a Recruit Training Camp.
After his promotion Tommy said, ‘I am really pleased I have managed to get this far within my cadet career, I have always tried to take advantage of the opportunities the organisation provides. The experiences and skills I have learnt along the way have all contributed towards receiving this promotion and I am eager to continue to help develop the younger cadets on the squadron.’
Officer Commanding 1109 Squadron, Flight Lieutenant Samuel Chapman-Allen added, ‘CWO Lawrence’s promotion to the highest rank is richly deserved and very few Cadets will ever achieve this. He thoroughly deserves this promotion for his years of dedication, service and commitment to the Air Cadets and 1109 (Thetford) Squadron’.
It is fantastic to see cadets join the Air Cadets at the age of 13 and progress through the ranks to reach the very top, something of which the squadron is very proud of.