For Cadet Sergeant’s Alex Myers and Liam Davies of 2160 (Sleaford) Squadron it was a singular honour to be appointed as Station Commanders Cadets. Alex has recently been appointed as Station Commander RAF Digby’s Cadet and Liam is now half way through his term of office as Commandant of the College and Station Commander RAF Cranwell’s Air Cadet.
What makes their situation unique is that no other squadron in the Air Cadet Organisation has two cadets holding these prestigious positions at the same time.
The Station Commander’s Cadet role was created a number of years ago to cement the relationship between the Air Cadets and the Regular Royal Air Force. The role enables the chosen cadet to accompany their respective Station Commander to a variety of ceremonial and social occasions. It affords the cadet a unique insight into the duties and responsibilities of a senior RAF Officer whilst also seeing the work of the wider RAF both on the station and in the wider community.
Selection for the role is highly competitive and both Alex and Liam were up against other outstanding young people from the thirty plus units which make up Trent Wing.
Liam said:- “I had no idea the number and variety of engagements the Commandant had to fulfil both within the circle of the RAF and the wider community. The position of Station Commanders cadet has given me a real insight into the busy life of a senior officer in the RAF.”
Alex, who received his Badge of Office last week said:- “ Liam gave me the heads up on the role and having performed the duties on a couple of occasions so far, I can say I am really looking forward to the rest of the year I have in this appointment.”