Fantastic Support Shown by Thetford Air Cadets!

Eighteen Air Cadets from 1109 (Thetford) Squadron enjoyed a weekend assisting at the Large Model Association (LMA) Flying Show on the 16th-17th May at Rougham Airfield in Suffolk.

The event is a major fundraiser for the squadron and gives the cadets the opportunity to represent their squadron within the community, as well as the chance to be up close to a number of very impressive model aircraft.

The weather was fantastic over the weekend where the cadets assisted with marshalling, car parking and flight line support for the thousands of visitors who attended the show over the weekend.

The cadets received huge praise from the public and organisers who have now asked the squadron to assist with another major national event this year as well as book them in for next year’s LMA show in Rougham.

The LMA Show Director sung the praises of the cadets involved said they were any asset to the community. A Fantastic effort by all involved!1109 image1