Congratulations go to Cadet Warrant Officer (CWO) Sam Hurry who was recently awarded his Grade 1 gliding instructor category. This allows CWO Hurry, who is a Flight Staff Cadet, to deliver both the Blue & Bronze Gliding Wings training to other cadets…whilst still being one himself! A huge achievement to be proud of.

Sam first joined 644 Volunteer Gliding Squadron at RAF Syerston in Oct 2017 and in under two years has progressed from new trainee through to junior instructor. This marks the second cadet to be awarded a G1 at 644 since resumption of gliding.

CWO Hurry is presently the senior cadet with 2160 (Sleaford) Squadron Air Training Corps (ATC) and this award marks the pinnacle of his near seven-year career with the RAF Air Cadets.

Now qualified to carry passengers, and give instruction, it was only fitting for Sam’s first sortie as an instructor to fly with a cadet from his own unit; so last Sunday Cadet Flight Sergeant Matthew Mayers received his first instruction flight with his 2160 Squadron colleague.

CWO Hurry commented: “The opportunity to glide was something I could only dream about before I joined the ATC; now, not only do I get to enjoy the thrill of gliding but I can also give my fellow cadets the opportunity to share this wonderful experience.”

Later this month Sam’s cadet service will draw to a close as he reaches his 20th birthday. However, Sam will not be lost to the Air Cadets as he intends to become an adult Senior Non Commissioned Officer and will continue to offer his considerable expertise to both his gliding students and the cadets of 2160.