Wing Field Success for 1109 Squadron


Eight cadets from 1109 (Thetford) Squadron, Air Training Corps, represented their peers at this year’s Wing Field competition, held at Wretham Camp on the Stanta Training area over the weekend of the 24th – 26th April 2015.
The cadets who’s ages ranged from 14 to 17 years, underwent months of training at their Squadron Headquarters before being selected for this year’s team.
The cadets hetfordworked extremely hard over the weekends prior to the competition which proved profitable to the overall team performance. The Thetford Air Cadets came sixth out of the 29 Squadron teams that took part in the competition.
Thetford squadron did well in Archery (third), Orienteering, Field Craft, Leadership Exercises, Aircraft Recognition (fourth), Shooting, First Aid, Raft Building, Land Rover pull and a team quiz.
The team, selected by Sergeant (ATC) David Towell, included a mix of cadets and cadet NCO’s whose team spirit and enthusiasm was commendable.
Sgt Towell said ‘This great achievement showed just how well our team worked all weekend. Everyone was smiling even when they returned to the squadron. With 1109 growing from strength to strength things are looking really good for next year’.